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 Mindset article 0001


 Posted: 10/22/08


A mind is a terriable thing to waste and a great muscle to train.


Meet the Author

Greg Hoskins

Inner Stregth Trainer

WMB Fitness

Snohomish WA. 



If you say “Just Do It” one more time… I’ll just do something alright!

Maybe I don’t want to “Power Through”, you don’t have to tell me how I’m doing, wipe that smile off your face and oh, by the way… I tried looking at the positive future and all I see is me without the stuff I like to do or eat or…. Arrrrrrgh!!!!!!

Wow, I don’t usually react to this workout that way and I really do like my trainer… I wonder what happened and thank God I didn’t say all that out loud. (Ooops, was that my outdoor voice?)

Have you ever had one of those days? (or one of those years) What did happen?

Why does “Just Do It” work sometimes and not others? Why does “Powering Through” work for some folks and not others? How could a simple positive statement possibly elicit such an explosive reaction?

Well, since I don’t know you, I can’t give you a definitive answer for your situation yet but, I can say without a doubt our feelings, words and actions in any moment are direct results of our current state of mind (Mindset). I can also say with total confidence, our mindsets are moving targets and easily changed with focused mental workouts. There are proven tools and practices that can create fast and permanent emotional change.

Want to prove that theory? The first thing to do is look at your patterns… if you are at all like me, you are pushing yourself to do something specific on a regular basis. Some days you go for it with high energy and other days you have to “talk yourself into it” or “reason with yourself that it’s OK to miss once in a while”. (Ring any bells?) Random inconsistency suggests that something more than simple mechanics or surface attitude is involved.

Again, if you are like me… passing low energy or lack of enthusiasm off as “just one of those days” isn’t good enough. You are more likely asking… how can I make more of my days like those in which I “go for it”? (What’s the common denominator?)

Maybe it doesn’t have much to do with working out, the weather or how much sleep you got, etc… but that’s another story for another day.

Thanks for reading,
